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Best 10 Kids Foods and Drinks to Have Before Bed

We all know the nightly struggle – trying to get your little one to bed without endless protests, wiggles, and demands for "just one more story!" But what if I told you that the secret to a smoother bedtime might be sitting right in your kitchen? Yes, that’s right—the foods and drinks your child consumes before bed can make a huge difference in how quickly they fall asleep and how peacefully they sleep through the night.

Whether your child is a baby or a busy toddler, choosing the right bedtime snacks can be a game-changer for their sleep quality. Just like us adults might enjoy a warm cup of tea or milk before bed, there are specific foods and drinks that help promote relaxation and sleepiness in kids. Let’s dive into the 10 best foods and drinks for children before bed – and no, ice cream didn’t make the list (sorry, little ones!).

1. Bananas

Bananas are basically the superheroes of the fruit world when it comes to sleep. Rich in magnesium and potassium, they act as natural muscle relaxants, helping your child wind down after a busy day. They’re also packed with tryptophan, an amino acid that the body converts into serotonin and melatonin, two key hormones for regulating sleep. Also, did you know bananas are technically berries? 

Tip: Mash a banana and mix it with a little warm milk for a comforting bedtime snack.

2. Warm Milk

Speaking of milk, this classic bedtime drink is a go-to for a reason. Warm milk not only provides calcium for growing bones but also contains tryptophan, which helps your child feel calm and sleepy. Plus, the warmth itself can be incredibly soothing.

What did the glass of milk say to the sleepy toddler? “I’m your calmpanion tonight!”

3. Oatmeal

Oats are a great source of melatonin and complex carbohydrates, which can help regulate blood sugar and keep hunger at bay throughout the night. A warm bowl of oatmeal in the evening can act as a comforting snack that fills little tummies without being too heavy. Add a dash of cinnamon and a sprinkle of flaxseeds for an extra dose of calm-inducing nutrients.

4. Almonds

Almonds are packed with magnesium, which plays a key role in relaxing muscles and supporting sleep. A small handful of almonds can make for a light, nutritious snack that helps your child wind down before bed.

5. Whole Grain Crackers with Cheese

Cheese, like milk, contains tryptophan, which helps produce melatonin. When paired with whole grain crackers, which are rich in complex carbs, this snack promotes a slow release of energy that won’t spike your child’s blood sugar, making it easier for them to stay asleep.

6. Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are loaded with potassium, which helps relax muscles, and complex carbs, which keep blood sugar stable throughout the night. Roasted or mashed sweet potatoes can make a healthy, sleep-promoting side dish for dinner or even a bedtime snack. You can serve them with a drizzle of olive oil and a sprinkle of cinnamon for a tasty treat that supports good sleep.

7. Cherries

Cherries, especially tart cherries, are a natural source of melatonin. Studies have shown that cherry juice can improve sleep quality in adults, and the same effect can be observed in kids. A small handful of fresh cherries or a diluted glass of cherry juice before bed can help set the stage for a peaceful night’s sleep.

8. Yogurt

Yogurt, like milk, is rich in calcium and contains tryptophan. The probiotics in yogurt also support gut health, which plays a role in overall well-being, including sleep. Just make sure you opt for plain, unsweetened yogurt to avoid sugar spikes before bed.

Did you know yogurt has been around for over 5,000 years? It’s a snack with some serious history!

9. Turkey Slices

Turkey is famously packed with tryptophan, making it one of the best protein sources to have before bed. A few slices of turkey can help your child feel full without being too heavy, making it easier for them to relax and drift off to sleep.

10. Cottage Cheese

Cottage cheese is a sleep-inducing powerhouse. It’s loaded with casein, a slow-digesting protein that keeps hunger at bay, and it contains tryptophan, making it perfect for promoting sleep. Serve it with a sprinkle of flaxseeds or a small dollop of natural jam for added flavor.

The Role of Baby Sleep Music in Bedtime Routines

While food plays an essential role in promoting good sleep, creating a relaxing bedtime routine is just as important. That’s where baby sleep music comes into play. Soft, soothing music can help set the tone for bedtime, signaling to your child’s brain that it’s time to relax and prepare for sleep.

For older children, incorporating sleep time music for kids into their evening routine can help them wind down after a busy day. This music not only helps them relax but also creates a peaceful environment that encourages sleep. And for the tiniest members of the family, infant sleep music can work wonders in helping them settle down and sleep longer.

About Sukoonify

At Sukoonify, we understand how important sleep is for both children and their parents. That’s why we’ve created specially curated playlists on Spotify to help children fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. Our music collection, including baby sleep music, sleep time music for kids, and infant sleep music, is designed to create a calm and relaxing atmosphere at bedtime.

Our playlists are easy to access and feature a wide variety of soothing tracks that cater to babies, toddlers, and older children. Incorporating Sukoonify’s music into your child’s bedtime routine can make a big difference when it comes to creating a restful environment.

Conclusion: Sweet Dreams with the Right Foods and Routines

Good sleep starts with the right bedtime snack and a peaceful environment. From bananas and turkey slices to calming bowls of oatmeal, the foods your child eats before bed can significantly impact their sleep quality. Pairing these sleep-friendly snacks with a calming bedtime routine that includes infant sleep music or sleep time music for kids can help your child get the rest they need to grow, learn, and thrive.

So, next time your child asks for a snack before bed, reach for these sleep-promoting foods and turn on some relaxing music from Sukoonify. Before you know it, your little one will be sleeping soundly, and you might just get a few extra hours of shut-eye yourself. Now, who wouldn’t want that?


What food helps kids sleep?

Foods like bananas, oats, turkey, and almonds help kids sleep by promoting the production of melatonin and serotonin, which are key sleep hormones. These foods contain tryptophan, magnesium, and potassium, all beneficial for sleep.

What should babies not eat before bed?

Babies should avoid sugary snacks, chocolate, and caffeinated foods before bed. These can cause energy spikes and interfere with sleep. Heavy, spicy meals can also cause discomfort and disrupt their ability to sleep peacefully.

How to improve sleep naturally?To improve sleep naturally, establish a consistent bedtime routine, create a calming sleep environment, and incorporate sleep-friendly foods like bananas and oatmeal. You can also add soothing activities like reading or playing soft, relaxing music.

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